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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 21-03-02, 01:52 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
عضو نشيط

assunni غير متصل


عاجل جدا اخوتي واخواتي ارجو المساعده

كتبت الطالبة Kym Levesque,columnist

التي تدرس بجامعة ولاية اريزونا مقالا تقول فيه ان شرطة الاخلاق(هيئة الامر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر) في السعودية حبست الطالبات في المدرسة اثناء احتراق المدرسة لكي لا يخرجن الى العامة بدون عباءه. وتقول ايضا هذه الحمقاء ان السعوديين قد سئموا منهم. وهذه الحمقاء بنت اراءها واحتمالاتها على رجال الحسبة ظلما وجورا. فالذي اريده منكم اخواني واخواتي في الله ان تبحثوا لي عن رابط باللغة الانجليزيه يرد على هذه البلهاء واقصد في ذلك رد الامير نايف وانا بالانتظار
وقد كتبت Kym :
'Morality police' murderers in Saudi school fire
By Kym Levesque,columnist

It can hurt to be a girl. In Saudi Arabia, that pain can come in the **** of burning flesh or smoke-filled lungs. If you're not properly attired, you might not live to see another day.

Last Monday, while many students at ASU nursed spring break hangovers, fourteen teenage girls died and 52 others were injured after a fire broke out in their Saudi Arabian school. It's surprising the numbers aren't higher, considering the circumstances.

The Washington Post and Associated Press reported that a fire broke out in a girls' school in Saudi Arabia about a half an hour after morning classes started. The building was designed to hold 250 people, but there were 835 schoolgirls and 55 teachers inside. There were no fire alarms and no fire extinguishers. The main gate of the school was locked. When the girls ran for their lives, trying to exit the school in an unorganized stampede, they were met by the morality police.

Some of the girls not wearing the proper attire to appear in public were prevented from leaving. Male rescuers were prevented from doing their job because of these girls' state of dress. So fourteen of the teenage schoolgirls died and more than 50 others were hurt.

Yep, it happened.

You see, in Saudi Arabia, they have the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. The morality police, to the layman. Their job is to enforce adherence to "Islamic norms by monitoring public behavior," a de******ion given in the State Department's annual human rights report.

After the fire, reports from firefighters and paramedics appeared in Saudi papers saying that male rescuers were prevented by the morality police (called the mutawwai'in in Arabic) from helping girls not dressed appropriately to appear in public. In Saudi Arabia, women must wear ****scarves and robes called abayas to appear publicly.

It would seem from these reports that it is better for a Saudi female to die than for another to see her without her abaya. I wish I could ask one of the fourteen girls if she would rather die than have a man see her hair and grip her elbow to lead her to safety. Too bad I can't. Some faceless man already decided for her.

It blows my mind that there is a place in this world where men believe it is their job to make these decisions. I hate that Islam, a religion that preaches love and compassion, can be twisted in such manic ways.

To these men who decide morality for all Saudis, it is more compassionate to allow a female to die than to let her "sinful" state be seen by another. They decide what sin is and believe their ******s prevent it. The corrupt logic in this could have a psychiatrist confused for weeks.

Women in Saudi Arabia must wear the long black abayas in public. They cannot drive cars. Their treatment is reminiscent of what Afghani women suffered in the hands of the Taliban. Why does our government pay lip service to the condition of Afghani women and ignore the suffering of Saudi women a few hundred miles away?

Oh, wait, I forgot about that thick black stuff that powers those Cadillac Escalades and Ford Explorers.

How nice it is that George W. cares so much for American comfort that he's willing to let innocent Saudis be crushed under the boot heels of Islamic militants.

Our government might be willing to look the other way, but it seems that Saudi citizens are getting sick of the mutawwai'in.

The Saudi press, such as government-run newspaper Saudi Gazette and the Saudi Press Agency, has condemned the ******s of the morality police and its interference with rescuers. The morality police have often been criticized in private, but public criticism is rare. The press seems to understand that their ******s this time were too awful to ignore.

In addition to the press' condemnation of the morality police's ******s, Crown Prince Abdullah said he would bring justice to those responsible for the fire.

He won't be short on people to blame: School officials that allowed overcrowding and lacked proper safety procedures. Morality policemen that wanted young girls to die rather than break a law. The director of the police, who said they weren't involved and are being used as scapegoats.

As with many tragedies, this one did not have to occur. The Saudi press is taking a step in the right direction by speaking up when it has the chance.

In a perfect Saudi Arabia, teenage girls would garner more respect than what they got last Monday.

Kym Levesque is a journalism sophomore. Reach her at [email protected].
هذا هو الرابط: http://www.asuwebdevil.com/news/219605.html

كذلك ارجوا منكم مساعدتي ممن له المام باللغة الانجليزية بالرد عليهاوارسال بريدا الكترونيا يشب ما ذكرته. وانشروا هذا الخبر في المنتديات و لكم الاجران شاء الله.
وهذا هو بريدها الالكتروني
[email protected]

التوقيع :
اعلم غفر الله لي ولك، أن الله عز وجل لا يغفر أن يشرك به ولكنه يغفر ما دون الشرك لمن يشاء..
فحاول يا عبد الله أن تقابل ربك صافيا نقيا من الشرك....
فلا تعبد إلا الله
لا تصرف العبادات إلا لله
ولا تدعوا مع الله إله آخر
واعبد الله مخلصا له الدين
واعبده كما عبده سيد المرسلين
والحمد لله رب العالمين.....
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»» أخوة الإسلام:أين أمير التائبين(( القمي))!!
قديم 21-03-02, 02:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
أمة الله

أمة الله غير متصل

أمة الله is on a distinguished road


لا تدخل روحك في شي ما يخصك

أنته شيعي بحريني ويش عرفك في اللي صار

وأصلا محد طلب منك انت أي رد

روح بس الماتم إتسمع..لباسل الكربلائي وخلي هالسلفة لأهلها

التوقيع :
" من صح فراره إلىالله؛ صح قراره مع الله" فأنعم بها نفس لا تأنس إلا بالله

لا اله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
من مواضيعي في المنتدى
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»» مطبخ منتدى الدفاع عن المرأة المسلمة
قديم 22-03-02, 09:01 PM   رقم المشاركة : 5
عضو ذهبي

جليبيب غير متصل

جليبيب is on a distinguished road

يا أخت أمة الله , أستطيع أن أجزم أن قمي هذا الذي يصغر ابليس بيومين فقط , رغم خبرته الطويلة لا يعي الكثير عن ما تفعله جماعات الأمر بالمعروف و النهي عن المنكر في ايران !!!

التوقيع :
اللهم اغفر لكل من اساء الي و لكل من اغتابني
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