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قديم 06-07-03, 11:36 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
Islamic English Discussion Moderator

الحجاج غير متصل

الحجاج is on a distinguished road

Was Fatimah [ra] Murdered

[ALIGN=LEFT]While surfing the net, I stumbled against this picture which illustrates a myth repeated by the Shi'ites for centuries, namely that when Omar [ra] approached her home, he kicked the door so hard, while Fatimah was behind it, and cuased her to have a miscarriage.

Any comments?[/ALIGN]

الصور المرفقة
التوقيع :
إذا رأيت الرجل على ملة الرافضة فاتهمه في عقله وعرضه، ألا إنها ملة من سخط الله عليه.
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»» Plz Sign This Petition ...For Palestine
قديم 06-07-03, 02:36 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
Sunniah forever
عضو ذهبي
الصورة الرمزية Sunniah forever

Sunniah forever غير متصل

Sunniah forever

Thumbs up

Where was Ali (ra)?

he did nothing

did they ask them selves this question?

التوقيع :

* الشيعة في قلوبنا.. ومـا أحلاهم في قلوبنا إن تسننوا *

أعذروني إن أنقطعت عنكم..أختكم..سنية للأبد..
من مواضيعي في المنتدى
»» نقطه في بحر دين الرسم والتمثيل
»» أكـشـط وأربـح..!
»» مبددددع يالتيجاني
»» سؤال للجميع
»» الى كل شيعي ....
قديم 06-07-03, 04:18 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
Islamic English Discussion Moderator

الحجاج غير متصل

الحجاج is on a distinguished road

[ALIGN=LEFT]Where was Ali? Good question

He was nowhere other than being at home with her, n yep he did nothing
Actually he was in need of help himself, 'cuz according to their myth, the companions placed a rope around his neck n dragged him all the way to Abu Bakr to give his pledge of Alliance. Ain't that funny now? hehehehe[/ALIGN]

التوقيع :
إذا رأيت الرجل على ملة الرافضة فاتهمه في عقله وعرضه، ألا إنها ملة من سخط الله عليه.
من مواضيعي في المنتدى
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»» فتوى خطيرة: الجمري يجيز للأخ رؤية ولمس جسد أخته على (الأحوط)
قديم 06-07-03, 10:45 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
عضو ينتظر التفعيل

StraightPath غير متصل


[ALIGN=LEFT]How could a corageous man see that happen to his wife-who happens to be the prophets daughter- and not say anything, and none of the Muslims say anything, then he lets his daughter marry Umar, and mentions Umar with good, then later on their offspring are named Abu Bakr and Umar, it simply doesnt make sense.
So true that the radfidhah have no sound logic, nor knowledge of texts, they believe something then start lying to prove what they already believe in instead of following texts. THEN adjusting their beliefs according to the texts.
The Shiekh of Islam was so right about them when he said "Subhan the one who created lying and gave 9/10 of it to the shias!" and they are still the same! Lying is in their blood![/ALIGN]

التوقيع :
ماذا تسمى هذه العبادة يا شيعة؟:D
[ALIGN=LEFT]Shias, what is this form of worship called? :D[/ALIGN]
من مواضيعي في المنتدى
»» وهذه صورة ضريح الجيلاني
»» صوت الآن على موقع الجزيرة هل العلمانية ضد الدين ؟
»» ايهما افضل VBulletin أو phpBB
»» قصة الشاعر العشماوي في الطائرة و ابيات شعر قديمة القصة لكن روعة
»» الى من كل من رفع العلم الامريكي فرحا بالقبض على صدام شاهد هذه الصور
قديم 07-07-03, 04:04 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5
Sunniah forever
عضو ذهبي
الصورة الرمزية Sunniah forever

Sunniah forever غير متصل

Sunniah forever

Thumbs up

كاتب الرسالة الأصلية : StraightPath
[ALIGN=LEFT]How could a corageous man see that happen to his wife-who happens to be the prophets daughter- and not say anything, and none of the Muslims say anything, then he lets his daughter marry Umar, and mentions Umar with good, then later on their offspring are named Abu Bakr and Umar, it simply doesnt make sense.
So true that the radfidhah have no sound logic, nor knowledge of texts, they believe something then start lying to prove what they already believe in instead of following texts. THEN adjusting their beliefs according to the texts.
The Shiekh of Islam was so right about them when he said "Subhan the one who created lying and gave 9/10 of it to the shias!" and they are still the same! Lying is in their blood![/ALIGN]

Bark allah feek StraightPath

very important points to shut sheas' mouth

let your brain to think amoment

التوقيع :

* الشيعة في قلوبنا.. ومـا أحلاهم في قلوبنا إن تسننوا *

أعذروني إن أنقطعت عنكم..أختكم..سنية للأبد..
من مواضيعي في المنتدى
»» عنيد ورأسه يابس..!
»» اللين
»» والله هُزِلت ياشيعه!
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»» About Friday Prayer
قديم 07-07-03, 05:40 AM   رقم المشاركة : 6
عضو ينتظر التفعيل

StraightPath غير متصل


[ALIGN=LEFT]Bark allah feek StraightPath

very important points to shut sheas' mouth

let your brain to think amoment[/ALIGN][/QUOTE]

[ALIGN=LEFT]The problem is that they beat thier heads too much,which effects their brains, as in this video....[/ALIGN]


التوقيع :
ماذا تسمى هذه العبادة يا شيعة؟:D
[ALIGN=LEFT]Shias, what is this form of worship called? :D[/ALIGN]
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