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قديم 14-10-08, 09:12 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
عضو ينتظر التفعيل

معتمد غير متصل

معتمد is on a distinguished road

موقع حقوق الرجل في بريطانيا بالانجليزي

Men's rights

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Men's rights is a stream in the men's movement. It is closely related to the fathers' rights movement and began as a recognisable movement in the 1960s, largely as an outgrowth of men's divorce societies. (The earliest organization which has been documented is the United States Divorce Reform, founded in Sacramento, California, by Ruben Kidd and George Partis in 1960.) Its professed aim is to promote the health and well-being of all men and boys, as part of a general human rights, civil rights or equal rights agenda. It is frequently concerned with wellness, economic fairness and family law. There is no single unifying manifesto or organization which can claim to speak for the entire movement and the term is often used in various, even conflicting ways.


التوقيع :
اذا اردت اجابة على سؤال لك ابحث اولا في هذا الرابط ستجد الجواب ان شاء الله
محرك بحث من قوقول خاص في منتدى الدفاع عن السنة

من مواضيعي في المنتدى
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